Все ноты сливаются в одну протяжную мелодию.
Не знаю от чего так.Может быть из-за температуры мозг отказывается воспринимать что-то сложное и тонкое?
Видимо от прослушивания Бетховена придется отказаться на сегодня.
Но утром,до работы,я успела прослушать одно из любимых произведений Элгара.Так что делюсь им и небольшим описанием,правда на английском.
Насладимся нежностью вместе?)
Violin solo by Xue Wei. Salut dAmour, Op. 12, is a musical work composed by Edward Elgar in 1888, originally written for violin and piano.
Elgar finished the piece in July 1888, when he was engaged to be married to Caroline Alice Roberts, and he called it "Liebesgruss" ('Loves Greeting') because of Miss Roberts fluency in German. When he returned home to London on 22 September from a holiday at the house of his friend Dr. Charles Buck, in Settle, he presented her with it as his engagement present. Alice, for her part, offered him a poem called "The Wind at Dawn" which she had written years before and which he soon set to music.
The dedication was in French: "à Carice". "Carice" was a combination of his wife's names Caroline Alice, and was the name to be given to their daughter born two years later.
It was not published (by Schott & Co.) until a year later, and the first editions were for violin and piano, piano solo, cello and piano, and for small orchestra. Few copies were sold until Schotts changed the title to "Salut dAmour" with Liebesgruss as a sub-title, and the composers name as 'Ed. Elgar'. The French title, Elgar realised, would help the work to be sold not only in France but in other European countries: Schott's was a German publisher, with offices in Mainz, London, Paris and Brussels.
The first public performance was of the orchestral version, at a Crystal Palace concert on 11 November 1889, conducted by August Manns.